Buddhist Concepts: The Truth is Scary
Ther is no way to avoid the Truth
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The truth is scary and unpalatable!

We try to evade the inevitable by hiding behind acts of merit.

I like to start at the core of the Buddha's teachings. Buddhism is unique in at least three ways:

1. The absence of a creator

2. The responsibility of one's actions remaining with the perpetrator

3. The absence of a concept of a soul (Anaathma).

If not for these unique concepts, Buddhism would have been classified as one of the religions, and probably have a record to match.

Buddhism introduces, at least in the way it is preached and practiced now, a number of perplexing concepts. That is how I feel.

These concepts are all intricately intertwined with each other. In reality, it is impossible to isolate and try to understand each other separately. The effort required is huge, even to cover them in a superficial way that I am trying now.

But, for the sake of simplicity, I thought of giving it a try to look at each other on an individual basis, providing cross-references where possible, to the interconnections between the concepts.

Merit: Is merit transferable? If so, it seem to belong to a category of wealth - something material, tangible. It may well be so. The belief is that merit can be accumulated, and taken "across" the Great Divide. Sounds heretical?

Samsara: This is the Wheel to which we are all shackled to. It is said that we will forever ride this wheel until such time we attain Nibbana. Does this mean an Aathma surviving the Birth-Death cycles through this long journey?

Karma: It is an accepted behaviour to attribute all our misfortunes to Karma, accumulated during past lives. Should this always be so?

Rebirth: We shed skin all the time, to be supplanted by new cells. Our bone structure gets renewd every so many years... Isn't this decay and replenishment Rebirth

Reincarnation: Reincarnation, according to my reasoning, goes a step beyond Rebirth. A very big step: Across the Great Divide.

Nibbana: Nibbana is a concept that has eluded a concrete definition. For some, Nibbana is a place to go to, while for some, it is a state to achieve. The model one follows, unfortunately, depend on the sermons one listens to.

I Hope I have not made a hash of everything!