A step beyond Rebirth?
Reincarnation: according to my reasoning, goes a step beyond Rebirth. A very big step: Across the Great Divide.
Do you believe in reincarnation? This is an inevitable question put to you as soon as you declare that you are a Buddhist. The mention of Buddhism leads people in different directions with all sorts of declarations and claims of levels of knowledge. That is of course normal, especially in casual chat sessions.
Why do people jump straightaway to Reincarnation, when there are suc beautiful subjects to learn and discuss in Buddhism?
But the question still remains. Do you believe in it?
The real question is, as a Buddhist, can you believe it?
Yes and no, you would answer. The reason for answering "No" is clear. (See thoughts on Anaathma)
What is behind the answer "Yes" ?
There are many claims, some well researched, of being able to remember past lives, at least the one immediately prior to the current one. I have seen TV programmes on the subject. So, it must be true? Do I hear a cynic giggle?
My daughter, when she was about 2 years old, used to claim that she was a queen and came from Africa. We didn't chase the matter, alas.
The mechanism of the cross-over from here to there is well documented in Abhidhamma. The problem is, the difficulty in grasping it.
If we extend my reasoning on Rebirth, the cross-over is just but another transition - a state change. But that doesn't explain everything, does it?
It is perfectly feasible to grasp these extremely complex concepts. But, certainly not over a casual chat after a meal. Lord Buddha showed the way to achieve that state of mind required to grasp these concepts.
All we have to do is to follow the Path.