Survival: Head above water?
Is your life a case of enjoyment or, is it a case of survival??
How would you rate your life if someone were to ask you "How is life?". You might give the classical response: "OK, surviving…", no doubt.
Pause for a moment, ask the question yourself. How would you rate it to yourself?
Hmm. You begin to take stock. I have a nice family, with children doing well, a nice house with swimming pool, a nice income from the business I inherited from my parents, three vacations a year in exotic places, Mercedes/BMW/… cars for each member of the family, a sound social circle, Buy anything I want, feel perfectly safe,…
Yeah, nothing to complain at all…
You sigh a sigh of contentment…
It could be a different story too… A case of swimming against the current, somehow managing to stay in one place, caught up in the stream of life. 18-hour days, see the kids for half hour during the weekends, loan sharks knocking on the door…
Well, you think: it could be worse! You release a sigh of relief taking stock of the positive aspects of your life.
Or, worse - you could be a pensioner, just managing to make ends meet.
Well, I don't have to join the rat race every day, you console yourself. I have all the time in the world to enjoy my hobbies, whatever they are. Not all hobbies cost money, fortunately.
So, you call your mode life surviving?
Or, is it rather a prosperous sort of survival?