Money Rules, OK?
Health is something that money alone cannot be of help... But, money can help extend one's life. It has been proved over and over again that health is directly related one's economic power.
This is not so much at country level, where one has to pay for one's health, like the US, where, you are nobody unless you have medical insurance.
But in countries where health care is universally free, like UK, Sri Lanka, the economic strength determines how long one lives. In the UK, there is this North-South divide in longevity.
So, health, at least physical health can be improved with money. On the opposite side, wealth can bring in other health complications like obesity, heart disease through inactivity, and so on. Much has been said about how to keep physically healthy. So much advise float around on the Internet telling what to do, what to eat, what to drink, how to sleep, on exercise and so on. Sometimes, one is too perplexed as to what bit of apparently conflicting advise to follow. Perhaps your doctor knows best! I do not want to dwell on this topic too much.
What is more important, in my opinion, is how to maintain a state of excellent mental health. I have allocated a separate page for this subject. Indeed, it is important to recognise what drives you insane, and try to develop coping strategies for them.
In this world driven by market forces and crude commercialism and instant gratifications, how would you look at things in perspective? How can you maintain the health of your intellectual capabilities?
Having developed strategies for healthy intellects, mental states, how are you likely to be accepted in your social circles? Will they welcome you as a leading light in this fast darkening world, or simply shun you as big-headed? How can you reconcile these two potentially conflicting manifestations of your personality? I would like to look into it. So, another separate page for it!
There are, of course, other important issues in life, which can be brought under this broad umbrella of health. Like, for instance, financial health. As the recent show, financial world is not as healthy as we have been made to believe. I will dedicate more space for this topic as time goes on. If you have some ideas, that will help.
Another healthy theme that comes to my mind is marital health. Yes, it is a sensitive subject. I have to think of a non-political way, you know what I mean, of opening the subject.
Watch this space…