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What Dr. Patricia Silva says:

I was born in a catholic family, growing and still identifying myself with Catholicism. However, in this doctrine I have always found bizarre actions done in name of God to innocent lives (examples: Inquisition, decimation of native American Indians, Slavery, Holocaust), where were the principles that this doctrine wanted so hard to propagate?

Throughout the years on my crusade as a human being trying to find Nirvana and my purpose in this world I have come across people with different religions and backgrounds, but also encountered different challenges, and witnessed episodes where the belief and need for a Divine presence helped people to face obstacles and maintain their faith and hope.

I also come to realise and learn to respect that this powerful figure has different "faces" and let myself open to the different horizons of world's religions. Throughout the years, I see that independently of the designation/origin there are several common points in the different religions. Interesting enough in one of the most painful experiences (therefore also challenging) of my life I have encountered relief in words of a Buddhist Thai colleague. His words brought me spiritual peace but the ones from my catholic friends and family did not!!! So, once again, I felt happy by having an open mind towards "ancient" beliefs even if I still pray the rosary I have learnt on Sunday school. This practise works for me as a meditation exercise where I try getting rid of bad energies and thoughts and seek my inner peace with God.

Furthermore as a Nature lover in all its splendours I am also fascinated with the dogmas of native Indians and their survival in balance with the natural world around them. They had so much to teach us if we have been open and not forceful with our European doctrines and beliefs.

So here and in these times where planet alerts are redder than ever, I leave an appeal to think about the millions of people in need but also the vast ecosystems from which we are dependent as human kind. Remember all comes down to a chain in which all is been connected by means that most of humanity is not even aware or has fully understood.

Patricia Silva